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Wuthering Heights, Part Two! We are keeping this juggernaut on course, and we haven't even gotten to the part where Heathcliff starts breaking into graves yet. They are still children here, it's funny to see movie adaptations with adults playing Catherine and Heathcliff spying in the Lintons' windows.
Book tour and business keeps rolling, I am extremely proud to say that this week Hark! A Vagrant hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestseller list for graphic books. Thank you everyone who bought it and made this happen. The day before the book was released, I made this little thank you video. It's nice to be a real person sometimes you know? Instead of a twitter account. There's been a host of interviews and things, be on the lookout for more, including some NPR action! Some links from friends: Two of my oldest and dearest friends started a little blog of odds and ends. My lovely acquaintances Ohbijou have realeased a new album, and boy oh boy is is wonderful. My very talented Halifax friend Faith Erin Hicks has a new book coming out with First Second, and it's being serialized online! Free, amazing comics? Sign me up! It's called Friends With Boys and it is right at that link. Faith can draw circles around me for sure, she's amazin' Speaking of First Second, I have some pages in a new book of Nursery Rhyme Comics, with many, many other talented people. It's a sure bet, for kids, just trust me. Here is a preview over at Comics Alliance that includes my contribution. But also, speaking of KIDS and speaking of BOOKS, I have two more that I want to share with you because they are so great! One is I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen and the other is Zombie In Love, illustrated by Scott C. Both of these guys make work so charming, your kids will have their work cut out for them in not loving every minute of it. I also picked up Wildwood by Carson Ellis and Colin Meloy this week, and I'm in love with it. ok! The book is available for order on Amazon! So many exciting things happening. ![]() Other buying options for the book? Topatoco is selling it, along with a reissue of the first book! There is a pretty good combo deal there. The tour update is here! Still some dates to go! BOSTON Saturday Oct 15th http://www.bostonbookfest.org/bookfest/schedule_detail/schedule_kate_beaton/ At the Boston Book Festival, panel: "Far Out Fiction," 4:30pm VANCOUVER Friday Oct 21st http://www.writersfest.bc.ca/ At the Vancouver International Writers Festival, panel "Conversations with Bill", 10 AM PORTLAND Saturday Oct 22nd http://www.livewireradio.org/ During Live Wire at Alberta Rose Theater, 7PM LOS ANGELES Sunday Oct 23rd http://www.skylightbooks.com/ Signing at Skylight Books, 5PM TORONTO Saturday Oct 29th & Oct 30th http://www.readings.org/?q=ifoa At the IFOA MONTREAL Tuesday Nov 1st http://211blog.drawnandquarterly.com/ At our very own Librairie Drawn & Quarterly, 7PM HALIFAX Wednesday Nov 2nd http://www.strangeadventures.com/ At Strange Adventures, 7PM |