
Kate Beaton
I recently found out the proper term for these pictures is a 'swagger portrait.' I think all of Henry's pictures are swagger portraits. I don't think he ever stood like a regular person would. Well guys, I was in England for a little while and my computer crashed, I am sorry. But here we are back in Canada with a new hard drive and my fingers are crossed. An item of note, I have been nominated for two Canadian awards this year, the Doug Wright Awards and the Joe Shusters. I was not expecting either, but I will admit that the arts scene in Canada makes me proud to be a part of it sometimes. Another item of note, I am going to be speaking on a panel as part of the Keep Toronto Reading event this month. It's from 6:30-8:30pm on Tuesday, April 7, at the North York Central Library. It is the same night as Joey's Overqualified book launch which we will go to after. That starts at 8pm at 6 Nassau st. in Kensington Market. These are both pretty good things.


Lynn Allingham
John Allison
Dawn and Margie Beaton
Marc Bell
John Campbell
Scott Campbell
Ryan Carley
Anthony Clark
Rebecca Clements
Domitille Collardey
Jillian Comeau, Kim Carson and Michelle Skelding
Aaron Diaz
Jess Fink
Eric Feurstein
Brian Fukushima
Matt Forsythe
Sarah Glidden
Meredith Gran
Lisa Hanawalt
Dustin Harbin
Christopher Hastings
Emily Horne and Joey Comeau
Jon Klassen
Steve Lambke
Hope Larson
Joe List
David Malki
Phil McAndrew
Carolyn Merriman
Carly Monardo
Vicki Nerino
Ryan North
Ryan Pequin
Neil Rough
Jeffrey Rowland
Gabby Schulz
Smart and Bird
Nathan Stapley
Julia Wertz
Britt Wilson
Steve Wolfhard
Chip Zdarsky

Good comic shops that have taught me a thing or two:

The Beguiling, Toronto
Strange Adventures, Halifax
Legends Comics and Books, Victoria
Desert Island, Brooklyn

All content (c)2006-2018 Kate Beaton